Sustainability at El Recuerdo Mezcal

Green Method

At El Recuerdo Mezcal, we are deeply committed to sustainable production and respect for the environment.

Our mezcal production uses traditional stone ovens and wood certified by SEMARNAT (the Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources), ensuring responsible forest resource management and the preservation of local biodiversity. Additionally, we have implemented greenhouses for our agave plantations, allowing us to control and reduce our environmental impact.

Método Verde:

Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Ambiental en la Producción de Mezcal

Nuestro Impacto:

El Método Verde no es solo un conjunto de prácticas, sino un compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad ambiental. A través de este programa, buscamos minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental, conservar recursos y promover una producción de mezcal que respete y honre tanto a la naturaleza como a nuestras tradiciones.

Saving the Agave

One of our greatest efforts is the preservation of agave and its ecosystem. We implement sustainable agricultural practices and promote biodiversity in our Espadín agave crops. We continuously work to protect this vital plant and ensure its availability for future generations.

Quality Certifications

Producer of the year 2022

